Legendary bad sex game "BoneTown" returns to Steam

Legendary bad sex game "BoneTown" returns to Steam

In 2008, two college grads who watched too much South Park, saw the GTA: San Andreas hot coffee mod, and said, "What if that was half the game?" and graced the video game with BoneTown, a game that said. With no car, you have to struggle and walk to get anywhere. Though originally distributed through a website, BoneTown appeared on Steam through Greenlight in 2013.

It will return this summer, uncut, as BoneTown: The Second Coming Edition. According to developer D-Dub Software, "With this re-release, we're giving this game that so many of you have played and loved for years another shot. We have even decided that this is not the same BoneTown anymore". As for what is different, he said he will explain "soon".

Back in the day, Dan Stapleton played BoneTown for me, and he said, "No one should buy it for how good it is as a game. He found it more boring than shocking and summed it up by saying, "Overall, the most shocking thing about it is that it suffers from a surprising design oversight in that it requires two hands to operate."

(Thanks, Tobias, for the info.)

