Two "World of Warcraft" Players Defeat 1.8 Million HP Boss That Should Have Taken 40 Manpower

Two "World of Warcraft" Players Defeat 1.8 Million HP Boss That Should Have Taken 40 Manpower

One thing "World of Warcraft Classic" has proven is that you can now beat raid bosses without much effort. Raid bosses that once tormented players - raid bosses that required 40 or more people armed with the best equipment - can now be absolutely crushed without much effort.

Take Onyxia, for example. Back in the day, this intimidatingly large black dragon was one of WoW's first raid bosses, infamous for its difficulty and the "More DOTS!" attitude. But in WoW Classic (a nearly perfect replica of the vanilla version of WoW), when 32 warriors one-shot her in a record 54 seconds, or, When 40 raid groups took her down without clothing, she has been killed in every embarrassing way possible. But today, two players dealt the ultimate blow to Onyxia's horrific legacy: if two is enough, why bring 40?

According to WoWhead, this is the first time that only two players have ever defeated Onyxia, and it only took 57 minutes. The two players were Gendisarray, a warrior, and Shiftus, a monk, who had to perfectly coordinate their abilities and use of restorative items such as healing and mana potions to stay in the fight for the past hour.

Onyxia is not a challenging raid boss by modern WoW standards. She was first released over 16 years ago, and WoW bosses have become far more brutal over time; Onyxia has only a handful of basic abilities that most modern guilds can manage with their eyes closed. Most hardcore classic players can beat Onyxia fairly easily, but it still requires a full raid party, and it's cool to see two players pushing things to the limit, especially if they're not the same player.

One of the biggest dangers of this fight is that players have to constantly watch their relative positioning to Onyxia. If someone wanders too far behind Onyxia, Onyxia will send that player flying with a swish of his tail. You would think that with only two people it would be more difficult, but in this case you are happy not to have to worry about 30 other people accidentally wandering into range where they can swat Onyxia's tail.

That is not to say that Gendisarei and Shiftus had an easy time; for a very long 57 minutes, they had to manage their resources and slowly chip away at Onyxia's strength. For example, if Shiftus unleashed too many spells, they might not have enough mana to maintain Gendisaray's HP. If he slipped even one step, the battle would have to start all over again; it would not have been easy to stay focused for nearly an hour.

Not the most compelling viewing experience, but still an incredible achievement, and I'll be curious to see if players can continue to destroy old raid bosses when Burning Crusade Classic is released later this year. in an interview at BlizzCon As Blizzard explained, BC Classic will use the original version of raid bosses, not the ones nerfed in WoW Classic.

It's a bit complicated to explain, but when raid bosses were first released, many of them were simply too difficult to kill, so Blizzard adjusted them in the weeks and months that followed to make them more manageable. WoW Classic was released with Burning Crusade based on the 1.12 patch that came out just before it was released, so its raid bosses had already been nerfed. However, players are obviously so good that Blizzard has decided to continue with the tougher version for raids that was originally released. Although, I don't think that will stop players from making ridiculous kills.
