Apex Legends may finally get the Titans.

Apex Legends may finally get the Titans.

Apex Legends is set in the Titanfall universe, and one might wonder why Titans did not make an appearance, although Respawn explained shortly after the game's launch that early iterations of the game actually featured "a large number of different forms of Titans." Titans were ultimately ruled out because they were not appropriate for the game.

But that may soon change. Dataminer Biast12, who previously helped drop a dime on the Season 7 character Horizon, tweeted a gameplay video of a new character named Blisk. This auto-titan is not a full-fledged Titan that players can board, but appears to function similar to Bob, Ash's bodyguard in Overwatch: he appears when called, kicks enemies around within a set range, and then leaves.

According to the screen cap below, Brisk can also wall-run, thanks to a passive ability in his pilot kit.

As for the character Kuben Brisk himself, he is one of the villains in the "Titanfall" game: a mercenary from South Africa who served Interstellar Manufacturing as the head of the Apex Predators. He was a mercenary from South Africa who served the Interstellar Manufacturing Company and was the boss of the Apex Predators. He also appears in Apex Legends lore as the commissioner of Apex Games, but has not yet appeared in the game.

As with all leaks, this should be viewed with a healthy skepticism. This is because April 1 is only a week away. I mean, when was the last time a studio developed and promoted a playable character?

Pulling such a stunt with Titans is a riskier proposition. New characters are introduced every season, but the addition of a giant combat robot at the heart of the Titanfall series is a far bigger deal, and one that fans really want. And even if this auto-titan is not on the same level as the BT-7274, well, it is something. The Titan will only be added to the Apex Legend in some sort of compromised form anyway, and transforming it into an AOE bombardment machine seems like a better approach than any other.

The current expectation is that Brisk and his sidekick, the Auto Titan, will appear in Season 9 of Apex Legends, if this leak is true; when we contacted EA, they did not say, "Yes, the Titan will appear in next season's Apex Legends" but if it does appear, we would be happy to let you know.
