NVIDIA pays big bucks for hashtag emoji just to make fun of CEO

NVIDIA pays big bucks for hashtag emoji just to make fun of CEO

The item most associated with Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang is his leather jacket. He is rarely seen without his jacket. It is a staple of every keynote, stream, and event, and it is not at all surprising that Huang wears it to bed at night. It is also the most recognizable item that Nvidia can decide to brand emoji after the #nvidia hashtag on Twitter.

I'm usually pretty negative about this sort of thing, but I have to admit that this bothered me. Perhaps it was because it was not at all what I expected from a company that takes branding very, very seriously.

I'm inclined to think this is some sort of April Fool's joke.

Have you forgotten this cursed time? I want you to be prepared for one bad joke after another, which will lead to the punchline, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Or it could be in preparation for Nvidia's GTC (GPU Technology Conference), which will be held in a few weeks and will feature a keynote by Juan on April 12.

Whatever the cause, the company has probably invested a significant amount of money in a Twitter marketing campaign to lift these privileges. These branded hashtag emojis probably do not come cheap.

Nvidia has plenty of money to spare.
