Ten years after its launch, Terraria supports Steam Workshop

Ten years after its launch, Terraria supports Steam Workshop

The side-scrolling survival crafting game Terraria finally supports the Steam Workshop.

Update 1.4.2 was released today, adding several new ways to mode the basic Terraria experience. Previously, more advanced mods were possible with TModLoader and others, but now you can upload maps directly to the Steam Workshop and import Minecraft-like resource packs. These can be used to completely reskin Terraria with custom sprites, import new soundtracks, or introduce fan-driven localization for the game's text.

Re-Logic highlights a selection of "developer's choice" mods, including two golf courses and several texture pack examples. In addition, the official Terraria forums have compiled a lengthy mod guide, from creating mods to posting mods to the Steam Workshop. [Of course, Terraria has had a healthy mod scene for some time now, and we've compiled the best of the best in our list of Best Terraria Mods. In addition to workshop support, this update also includes bug fixes and balance changes.

Earlier this month, "Terraria" hit an astounding sales record of 35 million units across all platforms. That includes stadia, where the game has had a particularly rough road to gain a foothold.
