Category : General

Patents suggest AMD is getting creative to compete with Intel and ARM in mobile devices

Patents suggest AMD is getting creative to compete with Intel and ARM in mobile devices

AMD has patented a multi-core hybrid computing architecture somewhat similar to Arm's big.LITTLE approach and Intel's Lakefield chip. The patent sugge...

Konami Aims to Join the Fall Fellowship with Metal Gear-Themed Costumes

Konami Aims to Join the Fall Fellowship with Metal Gear-Themed Costumes

"Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout" has been quite a hit, so much so that brands have come knocking to see the light through the fog and share in the glory...

Thermaltake revamps its method of applying thermal paste to CPUs

Thermaltake revamps its method of applying thermal paste to CPUs

Thermaltake has turned the art of applying thermal paste to a CPU into a paint-by-numbers game with a single gray number. The use of a honeycomb templ...

Torchlight 3" update will rework relics into appropriate subclasses.

Torchlight 3" update will rework relics into appropriate subclasses.

A major update to Torchlight 3 has been implemented, reworking the functionality of Reliquaries (essentially subclasses). Previously, they could be eq...

Minecraft Dungeons" Creeping Winter DLC to be Released Next Month

Minecraft Dungeons" Creeping Winter DLC to be Released Next Month

Minecraft Dungeons will be adding another DLC pack next month. Since the last pack was jungle-themed, it makes sense that the next one will be frost-t...

Forza Horizon 3 will not be available for purchase after September 27.

Forza Horizon 3 will not be available for purchase after September 27.

"Forza Horizon 3" had it all: a variety of Australian-themed maps, a stunning Hot Wheels expansion, and the series' first PC version; it's my favorite...

Grounded you can get to the roof of the house, but it's not worth it (yet).

Grounded you can get to the roof of the house, but it's not worth it (yet).

Grounded has been a huge success for Obsidian, and it's not hard to see why: this fantasy, inspired by Honey, I Shrunk The Kids, draws you in big time...

Halo Infinite" postponed to 2021.

Halo Infinite" postponed to 2021.

"Halo Infinite" will not be ready in time for the Xbox Series X holiday launch; Microsoft has pushed the game back to 2021 after its grand announcemen...